Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm Grateful :)

Sooo... I just wanted to say I'm grateful.
I've complained a lot lately. I haven't been very happy living here in Aurora, away from home and family, working lots and being away from my husband so much. I have felt a little guilty for my attitude, and tried to change it. BUT today I feel like I got hit with how ungrateful and selfish and plain stupid I have been. A couple of techs got fired today- not because they were doing poorly or did something wrong- there just weren't enough sales so some people had to be let go. They came into the office and were just so sad that they got let go... and it just made me so sad... and then so grateful. I'm very very very lucky, and blessed, to have this job. Definately, it would be more fun to be home around family for the summer, but both Bret and I are making fairly good money out here, and that is a HUGE thing to be grateful for. We only have 2 1/2 months left. Sometimes that seems like FOREVER, but SERIOUSly, it's nothing. We're VERY blessed, Life IS Good. :)

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