Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So I've been researching cricut machines and products lately. The reason being... Bret works at a warehouse that sells them and could get me one for half price. Anyway, I just can't decide. It looks super fun... but is it worth it? I don't scrapbook THAT much. Apparently, you have to buy all these different cartridges to go with it (for fonts and shapes), sooooo it could get pricey. BUT, ebay is an option, looks like I could get fairly cheap ones on there. ALSO, there's a "black market" type software for it called "sure cuts a lot" that lets you use lots of different fonts without buying a bunch of cartridges.

Why it seems SUPER cool to me is...
1- Scrapbooking of course... it provides a lot of new ways to scrap-book.
2- Cards. I think it would be way fun to make cute little cards... ya know, for birthdays and holidays and thank-yous, and I love you's, and stuff like that.
3- Wall art. You can cut out letters and pictures on vinyl and stick them on your wall! I think it's cool. You could put sayings or words on the wall or decorate a child's room with cute little pictures.
4- Ummmmm there's a lot of other creative things I've seen as I've been lookin around. People decorating cakes, and making party favors, and decorating picture frames... and all sorts of things. I don't know. It just sounds like fun. :)

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